Our commitment as leaders in innovation

The EPFL Innovation Park supports high-impact and innovative businesses to devise disruptive technologies for a brighter tomorrow. We want to increase this creative momentum by nurturing the next generation of start-ups.
The EPFL Innovation Park is a lively ecosystem encouraging the transfer of innovation to the economy for a lasting, positive impact on society. The Park is fully committed to limiting its carbon footprint by supporting sustainable and ecological ways of working.
Meaningful innovation
Meaningful innovation
The EPFL Innovation Park is a lively ecosystem encouraging the transfer of innovation to the economy for a lasting, positive impact on society. The Park is fully committed to limiting its carbon footprint by supporting sustainable and ecological ways of working.
Dynamic ecosystem
The EPFL Innovation Park is a dynamic ecosystem where purposeful innovation is stimulated, enabling academic research and science to flourish and generate businesses that have a positive impact on society.
Positive impact
To maximize the positive impact on society and the environment, we incite companies to integrate sustainability into their core strategy right from the start.
Strong sustainability processes, most notably in waste management, energy consumption and mobility, are employed throughout the Park in order to reduce the environmental impact of our infrastructures and activities.

Sustainability is key

Our commitment to sustainable development is promoted throughout the Park. Regular programs, training and tools are offered to the whole community to create a shared sense of responsibility on this issue. Forums and presentations at the Park regularly allow companies to benefit from and share ideas and innovations related to sustainable development.

A sustainability charter has been developed to foster a collective mind-set regarding sustainable development within the Park.
The GreenTeam @ EPFL Innovation Park
Our internal operations are supported by an active GreenTeam comprising members of all our departments: Sustainability, Real Estate, Infrastructures, User Experience, Training, HR, Accounting and of course our executive management. To encourage our companies and their employees to have a greener mindset at work, the GreenTeam regularly share guides and best practices to implement in the workplace, during home office and even when organizing company events.

what we do

Walk the talk