Our seasoned team of coaches know that time well spent at the project stage is worth its weight in investment money! This is why they will help you use your time effectively as you develop your innovation project and prevent you from wasting it pursuing dead ends. They’ll stress-test your business plan, show you how to do an impact assessment of your product or service, flag up potential problems, point out possible sources of funding, fill you in on patents, train you to build an effective team and generally lick your ideas into a workable, business shape!
All our experts are highly qualified with extensive professional experience in both business and technology as well as being friendly and accessible and great at training first-time entrepreneurs. Thanks to their careful guidance, you’ll have a viable project up and running in the shortest possible time!
Thanks to financial support from partners such as Innosuisse, the platinn network, the Fondation pour l’innovation Technologique (FIT) and the EPFL, coaching services are offered free of charge to entrepreneurs at the EPFL Innovation Park.
Supporting you to success and beyond
Who is eligible?
Affiliated entrepreneurs
Qualified entrepreneurs linked to EPFL and the EPFL Innovation Park ecosystem.
Young companies
Startups, scale-ups and spin-offs from large organizations at all stages of development.
· Meet our coaches ·
Meet our coaches
· Meet our coaches · Meet our coaches · Meet our coaches · Meet our coaches

Simon Johnson
Business consulting

Robert Van Kommer
Innovation Mentor

Marco Rüedi
Business Consulting

Reto Hartmann
Business Consulting

Philippe Nasch
Innovation mentor

Pascal Dutheil
Business Consulting

Elise Gortchacow-Bretton
Innovation Mentor