
To help you in the development of your company, the EPFL Innovation Park provides templates that you can download and adapt to your company. They are split below in categories representing the three Sustainability pillars: Social, economical and environmental. More templates will be added soon.
Templates related to the economic aspect :
- Supplier Ethics Charter (EN/FR)
- Sustainable Procurement Policy (EN/FR)
- Green Labs Handbook (EN)
- Guide for sustainable large-scale events (EN)
- Check list for sustainable events (EN/FR)
- Sustainable purchases (EN/FR)

Templates related to the environnemental aspect :

- Sustainable business travel guide (EN)
- Ecogestures (EN)
- Waste management table (EN/FR)
- Green IT (EN/FR)

Templates related to the social aspect :
- HR Best practices (EN/FR)
- Support policy for breastfeeding mothers (EN/FR)
- Conflicts of interest (EN/FR)
- Employees satisfaction survey (EN/FR)

Do you have any questions regarding the templates?

Contact us