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Ticketing feature for your technical requests

More than 70% of your ticketing requests were processed within an hour

Why should I use the ticketing feature?

  • This feature allows you to report any technical issue (such as a ventilation problem or a window that does not close properly). You can also use the ticket to request a new layout in your permises (such as moving a partition wall)
  • By using the ticketing feature, we can provide a better service until the ticket is resolved and prevent future technical problems, through data analytics

How does it work?

  • Get the right profile: the ticketing feature is only available to Supervisors, Administrators and Facilities
  • Please contact your Company Administrator if your are not able to use this feature yet
  1. Open the portal on our website and click on "ticketing" to create a new ticket
  2. Complete the form - You can add a picture or an annex to describe your issue

Thank you for following this process! We make every effort to ensure quality service


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